Fluid Bed Dryer
Italco Pharma is engaged in the manufacturing of Fluid Bed Dryer
Multi mill is a self contained portable unit for high speed granulating, pulverizing shredding & chopping etc. of a vide range of wet & dry materials.Fluid bed dryer is a device to remove moisture from wet hard substances by transforming liquid into vapor with the help of products fluidization. Fluid bed dryers can be supplied in steam and electric heating.
The drying line is based on different factors like physical composition of material moisture content etc.
- Sealing of the Filters bags with help of inflatable silicon rubber tube.
- Aerial functioning of gasket for lifting and sealing of product vessel.
- Arrangement of Positive earthing having low voltage relay
- Auto Pneumatic shaking with timers & butterfly valve online sampling device silicon rubber gasket between product container and retarding chambers
- Various pressure gauges to keep check on the pressure on the inlet filter and filter bags
- lectric locking between infallible gasket and the motor with alarm
- Inbuilt chip system